Until this very day, the real reason for the crash remains a mystery, some say it was the plane’s technical failure, but I heard most old generations connect the tragedy with political foul play. As the years passed, the younger generations like me, didn’t get so much exposure about the tragedy. What I’m doing in this entry is to remind myself and also the younger generations who are reading this, Sabah lost it most valuable leaders back then.
The plane, an Australian designed and built Nomad, was flying from Labuan, suddenly crashed in the sub-district of Sembulan in Kota Kinabalu upon reaching Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA). The crash killed everyone on board the flight, here are the name lists of those who perished in the tragedy;
1. Tun Mohd Fuad Stephens (Ketua Menteri Sabah)
2. Datuk Peter Mojuntin (Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan Negeri)
3. Datuk Chong Tahin Vun (Menteri Perhubungan dan Kerja Raya)
4. Datuk Salleh Sulong (Menteri Kewangan Negeri)
5. Darius Binion (Pembantu Menteri kepada Timbalan Ketua Menteri)
6. Wahid Andu (Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian Kewangan)
7. Syed Hussein Wafa (Pengarah Unit Perancang Ekonomi Negeri)
8. Ishak Atan (Setiausaha Sulit kepada Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah)
9. Kopral Mohd Said (Pengawal peribadi kepada Tun Fuad)
10. Gandhi J Nathan (Juruterbang)
11. Johari (Anak kepada Tun Fuad Stephens)
On the morning of the 6th.June.1976,Tun Fuad and his Cabinet Ministers flew to Labuan with an objective to re-negotiate. Tun Fuad was in total disagreement to the 5% oil royalty hence he brought his Cabinet Ministers to say their piece to Tengku Razaleigh. Did Tun Fuad and his Cabinet inform Tengku Razaleigh that if the Federal Government did not agree to his demand for an increased share percentage for Sabah, he would publicly announce that he was going to pull Sabah out of Malaysia?
Another interesting episode of the crash, was the inconsistent manner in which the Inquiry was conducted. The Magistrate concerned requested for a full re-investigation in "an open verdict" as reported in the newspapers but did the authorities re-investigate the crash? Why not? Whose was the hidden hand that instructed the authorities NOT to re-investigate the crash?
Sabah Sarawak Want Their Rights Back [Petition Background / Sign Petition]
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